Sunday, 20 September 2015

Game of Thrones - The Ruins of Valyria

The setting starts very dull with same colours and appears very uninteresting. The landscape is very flat and plain but also open and distanced suggesting the boat is alone. This setting deliberately focuses all the attention on the boat, to help this the boat has the only colour in the setting with the red sail. Though there are thick clouds we don't feel there presence because they are high and a light grey to show the vast amount of space in the setting. The boat appears to be large compare with what's around. The inside of the boat is also rather clustered with fishing nets and equipment contrasting from the setting shown outside.
The setting drastically changes as they enter old Valyria, the tall black, solid buildings over shadow the small, flimsy, insignificant boat. The building remains are shown on each side looking down on them. This starts to build an atmosphere of entrapment and anticipation as tension rises. The clouds change becoming black and creating a looming presence over the boat, while showing the light clouds behind them. As the dark consumes them we see a dragon this could be a warning as it flies towards the light or to symbolises the next setting change.
As they sail under the bridge the black water and two walls along with people dropping down from above we feel a sense of claustrophobia on the boat showing the fear reflected by the characters. All light is lost when Tyrion goes into the water and all space is gone from the original setting.

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