Settings give us three main incites into what we are watching. First the mood and atmosphere, for example a setting which has little lighting or colour can create a mysterious, scary and cold feeling to the viewer this is important to create tension and fear in horror movies. The setting is also important for us to tell the time period of the media text, for instance if the setting was modern we are likely to see modern technology and cars compared with an old fashioned setting which would probably see a piano and a horse drawn cart. The final thing a setting can show us is the genre of the text, an example if the setting is abstract or set in outer space the genre is most probably science fiction.
Any furniture is old and mostly broken |
The setting of a poor a destitute couple in the 17thC is likely to have a lack of furniture and they're probably living in one room. I imagine there's insufficient light which would reflect there mood of hopeless and desperate, I doubt there would be many if any personal items, showing their low status.
For a middle class couple in 1940s I would have a fire place and lots of candles in the setting, a bookcase containing well read books also some photos of family and friends to create a sense of life and pleasant atmosphere.
Money and passport to show the
setting is temporary |
A spy is likely to have a plain and simple setting with a distinct lack of personal items like photos for a setting to create a atmosphere of mystery around the character. there might be several passports and money lying around or in a safe and, of course a hidden room full of weapons these show the modern time period of the text.

A businessman or women is likely to have a untidy setting with a noticeably large desk covered with paper work and expensive desktop or laptop a lot of empty wine glasses and takeout packs lying around this sets a mood of importance about the character. There's probably business clothes like suit jackets and a posh leather briefcase.
Students are likely to have more character to their setting than say a spy, I would imagine lots of study books and sports equipment, posters on the walls, the setting is very messy with empty beer bottles and pizza boxes. These suggest a modern time period and an intrigued mood into the students busy life.
Comedy- The setting is likely to be more colourful and cluttered with more going on than others.
Horror - Dark setting will little objects or colour, its likely to be small and seem almost claustrophobic.
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